Meet our Member Dave Courtney
How long has he been a member?
12/1/2014 so 9 years
Why did he join Rotary?
I was assisting Greg Anders develop a business plan for a convention space at the Heritage Flight Museum. Greg was invited to Rotary by Ambr. Della Newman to meet business people in Mount Vernon and Skagit County. Greg needed to learn who potential users of the convention space might be. Greg needed a "wing man" and I was selected to accompany him to the meetings. I became a member.
What company or organization does he work at right now? If retired, where did he last work?
Currently I am retired. I worked for IBM from 1967 to 1992 in support of the distribution industry marketing. From 1992 to 2012, I was president of EDJ Enterprises, Inc., a software development company specializing is POS applications for the IBM POS systems.
How has he benefited from being a member?
I have gained insight into the Mount Vernon community and the pride that the residents exhibit in their support of education within Mount Vernon. I have also met some really neat people and made new friends which is hard when you get more "mature".
Any tips or advice for new members?
Don't be shy. If you wait for someone to come over to speak with you, then they control the interaction. Step up and out. Get involved. Meet a new member at every meeting until you have met them all. Repeat as often as necessary.
What does he like most about being a member?
The people I meet. Some of the meetings have very interesting topics.
Who/what inspires him?
Trying to make a difference and doing good.
What has been his biggest achievement?
Starting a business that has lasted over 30 years and provided financial support to the families that grew up with us. We started with college graduates who got married, had children and put them through college because of the business.
What career advice does he live by? Who gave it to him?
My word is my bond. If I say I will do something, I will do it. My father showed me the way. He was a shop teacher in the Chicago Public School system. He started with his skills and spent 17 years going to night school to get his bachelor's degree. He spent another 6 years getting his masters degree. He ended up as a vice principal in the largest high school in Chicago.
Future goals and aspirations for his life?
Make the most of the time I have left and see as much of the world as I can.
How does he define success?
Being able to look back and see that I have made some small difference in my life.

Meet our Member Dave Courtney
How long has he been a member?
12/1/2014 so 9 years
Why did he join Rotary?
I was assisting Greg Anders develop a business plan for a convention space at the Heritage Flight Museum. Greg was invited to Rotary by Ambr. Della Newman to meet business people in Mount Vernon and Skagit County. Greg needed to learn who potential users of the convention space might be. Greg needed a "wing man" and I was selected to accompany him to the meetings. I became a member.
What company or organization does he work at right now? If retired, where did he last work?
Currently I am retired. I worked for IBM from 1967 to 1992 in support of the distribution industry marketing. From 1992 to 2012, I was president of EDJ Enterprises, Inc., a software development company specializing is POS applications for the IBM POS systems.
How has he benefited from being a member?
I have gained insight into the Mount Vernon community and the pride that the residents exhibit in their support of education within Mount Vernon. I have also met some really neat people and made new friends which is hard when you get more "mature".
Any tips or advice for new members?
Don't be shy. If you wait for someone to come over to speak with you, then they control the interaction. Step up and out. Get involved. Meet a new member at every meeting until you have met them all. Repeat as often as necessary.
What does he like most about being a member?
The people I meet. Some of the meetings have very interesting topics.
Who/what inspires him?
Trying to make a difference and doing good.
What has been his biggest achievement?
Starting a business that has lasted over 30 years and provided financial support to the families that grew up with us. We started with college graduates who got married, had children and put them through college because of the business.
What career advice does he live by? Who gave it to him?
My word is my bond. If I say I will do something, I will do it. My father showed me the way. He was a shop teacher in the Chicago Public School system. He started with his skills and spent 17 years going to night school to get his bachelor's degree. He spent another 6 years getting his masters degree. He ended up as a vice principal in the largest high school in Chicago.
Future goals and aspirations for his life?
Make the most of the time I have left and see as much of the world as I can.
How does he define success?
Being able to look back and see that I have made some small difference in my life.